Here is my infographic, for this, i have decided to mainly focus on my dad's side of the family because it was a lot easier to find information for them, and there were a lot more people to take statistics from.
This is my Prezi family tree, and for this one I have done both sides of my family. The reason why I did both sides for this one, is because it would have gotten really boring for me just to do one side of the family.
Interview #1
Interview #2 (I never did get a response)
Family Echo
Friday, May 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Tuesday, April 28
Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.
I thought that the blog post was a very good story for his students to hear, because of how it told them to not be a quitter and that they should do something great with their lives. Another thing that was good in that story, was the fact that the teacher told the students that he would be there for them, and being a student for 10 years I have learned that a lot of teachers do not care about you and do not care about how you do in life, but that teacher did. Again I believe tat he was trying to tell the students that the teacher was trying to tell his students to not give up and to try working in life. I think that "the main event" is just school in general, or maybe even life as a whole based on how he uses the words "the main event."
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Wednesday, April 22
Blog post of the day:
Talk about your stop motion and what it will be like.
For our stop motion, me and Vito are going to be doing someone at a vending machine and what happens there. It is going to start out as either me or Vito walking up to the machine and then we will drop the money. Then the camera will go down to the money and then it will begin to crawl up the machine and put themselves in the coin slot.
Talk about your stop motion and what it will be like.
For our stop motion, me and Vito are going to be doing someone at a vending machine and what happens there. It is going to start out as either me or Vito walking up to the machine and then we will drop the money. Then the camera will go down to the money and then it will begin to crawl up the machine and put themselves in the coin slot.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Friday, April 17
GIANT blog post of the day:
Answer the following questions thoroughly on your blog.
- What was your stop motion animation about? Why did you choose your video to be about this? Was it because it was easy, because it would be fun, or it would be challenging? Explain your reasoning behind your project (and be honest).
- If you could rate your stop motion on a 1-10 scale. 1 being low effort and no very good and 10 being out of this world/mindblowing, how would you rate your project? Explain why.
- In hindsight, what would you do differently the second time around? Better lighting? Time management? Explain yourself.
- Explain what makes your stop motion animation unique. How do you believe you thought "outside of the box" on this project?
- What grade do you feel you deserve on this project? Explain your reasoning.
1. My stop motion was someone playing a snake game. I decided to do this, because the last time that I did a stop motion, I did people moving and that was really hard just to get them to stay still and do exactly what yo want, so I thought that I would do something with paper and that was the first thing that popped into my head.
2. If I would rate my effort on this project, it would probably be a nine. I would give myself this grade because sometimes I would be talking to my friends and that caused me to make a few issues regarding which way the snake was moving. So for example, at one point the snake was going right, then after I went to help with another project or just talk to one of my friends, I would accidentally make the snake go the backwards.
3. If I could do this a second time around, then what I would do is make them out of full sized sticky notes on a big wall because it took a lot of time to cut out every single piece, opposed to just sticking up a full sized sticky note. Also if I were to use sticky notes on a wall, then I could place the tripod in a better position opposed to just having it hanging off of a computer and being at an angle.
4. Now that I think about it, I don't think that my stop motion was "outside of the box" because I could probably go on google and find TONS of stop motions that used the snake game idea, or using sticky notes the sane way that I did.
5. I say that I would give myself 60 out of 65 point. I would give myself that score, because it did tell a simple story of someone playing snake game, I would give myself half of the points on style and consistency because I did mess up on the direction the snake went at some points. Also I did use the appropriate lighting and focus, the camera was stationary, I had a title and credits, my music fit the length and mood of the video, and finally i turned it in on time.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Tuesday, April 14
Blog Post of the Day:
3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.
3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.
My three day weekend was great. Saturday, I didn't do much besides sitting at home and watching Breaking Bad. Sunday was another day for me to just relax and spend time with the neighbors. But Monday was when things got interesting. That day I had a double header. We won both of those games and I did really well. In the first game, I pitched for a few innings and I still have an ERA of 0, but when I was hitting, the dumbest things would happen to me. For my first at bat, I just missed the ball and it began to spin off towards first, but there was a hole in fair territory where the ball funneled in to and it stayed fair. I ended up getting a hit on a ball that only went three inches. My other at bats were either walks or sacrifice bunts to move the runners on base.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Tuesday, April 7
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me ALL about what your idea is for your stop-motion animation. I need detail. Who is going to help you take photos? What props do you need? Where do you plan on shooting? EXPLAIN everything.
Tell me ALL about what your idea is for your stop-motion animation. I need detail. Who is going to help you take photos? What props do you need? Where do you plan on shooting? EXPLAIN everything.
My idea for the stop-motion animation is going to be a snake game made out of sticky notes. It is going to start out as a hand reaching out to 4 sticky notes spelling our the word "play" and pressing it. The colors of the notes will change and then open up to a big snake game. The game will go for a while until the player makes a wrong turn and then the words "game over" will show on the screen. I don't think that I will need help on taking the photos but maybe someone taking pictures when I press the "play" button. All I am going to need is my phone, sticky notes, and my hand. One issue that I might have, is where I am going to shoot these photos, I was thinking on one of the empty walls of this classroom. I am really looking forward to this project.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Monday, April 6
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me all about your weekend and please share photos!
Tell me all about your weekend and please share photos!
My weekend was not the best. Saturday was the best day of the weekend, because I could just relax and sleep in. The only productive thing that I did was starting to work on my Honors Bio Project. Sunday, however, was not a good day. I woke up at about 6:00 in the morning and couldn't go back to sleep after that. I went to church at 9:00 with my family, and that was good. But after church my family came over to my house for brunch and while they were here, my cousin who is in kindergarten decided to start a fight with me. What I planned to do was pick him up and throw him on the couch, but that didn't end up working. About half way through my throw, I threw out my back and dropped him on the floor. For about two hours I couldn't even move and I was laying down, alone, in my room missing out on brunch.
Friday, April 3, 2015
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Wednesday, April 1
Blog Post of the Day:
What do you love most about this time of year? Explain why you love it
What do you love most about this time of year? Explain why you love it
The thing that I love most about this year is the warm weather, baseball practices beginning, and school is ending! I don't really think that I need to explain why warm weather is a good thing, so I will just talk about the other two reasons. I really like this time of year because baseball is starting up for the summer and I am already having games. And finally, I like this time of year because in just two more months, school will be ending.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Monday, March 30
Blog Post of the Day:
Did you complete the photo scavenger hunt? What kind of fun pictures were you able to capture? Did you do all your photos at school or did you do some at home over the weekend? Share one of your favorites.
Did you complete the photo scavenger hunt? What kind of fun pictures were you able to capture? Did you do all your photos at school or did you do some at home over the weekend? Share one of your favorites.
I did complete the photo scavenger hunt, and I captured lots of fun pictures from fire alarms to people fighting. I tried my best to finish my pictures at school, but I ended up having to take some at home so that I could finish the scavenger hunt.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Friday, March 27
Blog Post of the Day:
What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?
What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?
I don't know much about photography or photo editing, because I am not that much of a "picture taking" person. If I were to be a picture taking person, I guess I would take pictures like a normal person, not too close up or not too far away, but just the right distance. I don't really upload pictures I take onto social media, but when I do, I prefer not to use a filter because I think they are basically pointless. I don't really have any background with photo editing, but I do hope to learn a lot this unit. I'm not really sure if I will like this unit, and that I will just do my best to get an A in it, because I have never had an interest with taking pictures.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Monday, March 23
Blog Post of the Day:
Welcome back! Go ahead. Tell me all about your Spring Break. Include photos!
Welcome back! Go ahead. Tell me all about your Spring Break. Include photos!
My Spring Break was lots of fun and I had an amazing vacation. Over the break I got to go to Winter Park, Colorado to go skiing with my family. Skiing was tons of fun because the first two days I was there the weather was amazing, but the last day I was there, not so much. On the day that we were supposed to head back home, we found out that there was going to be a snowstorm! So my family and I decided that we could stay another night at the condo and wait out the storm, but when we woke up there was only a dusting and the entire storm went to Keystone, another ski resort in Colorado. So we left as planned and the car rides seemed like they took forever, and they really did because each ride was 12 hours long! But when I got home I felt like I could finally relax and then the next day, I watched the new episode of The Walking Dead.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Wednesday, March 11
Blog Post of the Day:
What are you doing for Spring Break?
What are you doing for Spring Break?
For the first time in a few years, I am actually going somewhere for Spring Break! In a few days, my family and I will be going skiing in Winter Park, Colorado. I am really looking forward to this because skiing is one of my favorite things to do, and I get to do it for 5 days straight! The only downside to the vacation, is that I will have to drive some of the way to Colorado. Even though I will only drive for an hour, I am not looking forward to that.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Tuesday, March 10
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your weekend.
Tell me about your weekend.
My weekend was great, and I got a lot of good news. On Saturday, my mom got a condo in Winter Park, Colorado to go skiing for a whole week and I am really excited about that. Also on Saturday, I got to stay at home, relax, and watch TV. But Sunday Wasn't the best because we lost an hour of sleep, but that wasn't that big of a deal. Since I didn't have baseball that day, I just sat at home and waited for The Walking Dead to get on. The episode was great! And I can't wait for next week.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Friday, March 6
Blog Post of the Day:
If you were the Principal for a week at BVHS, what would that look like? What changes would you make? Why?
If you were the Principal for a week at BVHS, what would that look like? What changes would you make? Why?
If I was the principal for a week at BVHS, there would be quite a few things that I would change. First off, I would unblock the school WI-FI so students could go on websites such as You-Tube, Spotify, and Snapchat. In the hallways, you would see vending machines with food students would actually buy, like gum, candy bars, non-diet soda, etc. Because with the vending machines that we have now, there aren't that many good options to choose from.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Wednesday, March 4
1. Have something interactive that the audience can do such as a small survey.
2. Have an interesting topic that the audience wont get bored hearing.
3. Have good ideas to go along with the topic.
4. Don't stutter while you are talking.
5. Know the topic to the best of your ability, so you don't sound like you are just reading from cards.
6. Look confident by standing up straight and maybe some hand gestures.
7. Make eye contact with your peers so you are not just staring at the screen.
8. If it isn't too serious of a topic, crack an occasional joke to keep the audience interested.
9. Lots of pictures and not very many words on a slide to not make the audience bored just hearing someone talk.
10. Have an attention grabber to get the audience's attention at the beginning, and to get them focused on the presentation..
2. Have an interesting topic that the audience wont get bored hearing.
3. Have good ideas to go along with the topic.
4. Don't stutter while you are talking.
5. Know the topic to the best of your ability, so you don't sound like you are just reading from cards.
6. Look confident by standing up straight and maybe some hand gestures.
7. Make eye contact with your peers so you are not just staring at the screen.
8. If it isn't too serious of a topic, crack an occasional joke to keep the audience interested.
9. Lots of pictures and not very many words on a slide to not make the audience bored just hearing someone talk.
10. Have an attention grabber to get the audience's attention at the beginning, and to get them focused on the presentation..
Monday, March 2, 2015
Monday, March 2
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about your weekend.
Tell me about your weekend.
This weekend was just like any other weekend I have had, because it is the same schedule every week. On Saturday, I didn't do much besides sitting at home and watching TV. But, since there was snow on the roads, my dad decided to take me driving so I could get used to it. That was pretty fun because I would spin out and do donuts in the snow. On Sunday, I had my basketball game then after that I did all of my homework. Thirdly, I went to baseball for two hours and then I got home and watched an episode of The Walking Dead.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tuesday, February 24
Blog Post of the Day:
Use the internet to find an infographic about infographics. Place it in to your blog post. Read it and then give me the top 5 things you learned from it that will help you make a better infographic.
1. 90% of the brain is visual.
2. 40% of people will respond better with an infographic.
3. Catch the eye of people.
4. Everyone can benefit with an infographic.
5. Shows you are an expert.
Use the internet to find an infographic about infographics. Place it in to your blog post. Read it and then give me the top 5 things you learned from it that will help you make a better infographic.
1. 90% of the brain is visual.
2. 40% of people will respond better with an infographic.
3. Catch the eye of people.
4. Everyone can benefit with an infographic.
5. Shows you are an expert.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Monday, January 23
Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!
My weekend this weekend was alright until Sunday night. Saturday was really boring because all I did was shop for supplies for my science project. Sunday however was a lot more interesting. I had my rec basketball game which was really fun even though we lost. After that I had about thirty minutes to relax until I had to go to baseball for three hours which was really fun. Finally after a long day of practicing and playing, I got home at 10:00 and watched the new episode of The Walking Dead. This episode was one of my favorites because there was a lot of plot progression in one episode opposed to three episodes. This was also one of my favorites because of all of the action in the episode as well.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Friday, February 20
I think the perfect curriculum to prepare someone for life would include some of the following classes; Personal Financing to teach you how to manage your money and how to have a bank account, taxes 101 would teach you how to pay your taxes and all of that good stuff, and finally your math, science, etc. so you could have some knowledge in the real world. I would really enjoy studying in personal financing and taxes 101 because then when I am an adult , I would know how to do all of that stuff, and then I would not have to watch a You Tube video on how to file a tax return or how to write a check. It would be way different than what I have to do in school today because now they don't teach you how to do all of that and once they do, my life could get a lot easier.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Wednesday, February 18
Copy and past these over to your blog and tell me a little about yourself. If you have a picture or two that might represent one of your answers make sure to include it.
My favorite food: Orange Chicken
Foods I'd like to avoid: Broccoli
My favorite things to learn: Math and Science
My favorite color: Blue
My favorite food: Orange Chicken
Foods I'd like to avoid: Broccoli
My favorite things to learn: Math and Science
My favorite color: Blue
My best friends are: Garin, Spencer, C.J.
My favorite games to play: Baseball
My favorite books: I am Number Four Series or Maze Runner series
My favorite movies or TV shows: The Walking Dead
My favorite holiday: Christmas
Things I do well: I'm good at baseball
Things I need to practice more:
My favorite place to go: Colorado
My favorite family activities: Watching Movies
My favorite thing to do outside: baseball
My favorite chore: Cleaning My Room
My least favorite chore: Cleaning the bathroom
What I want to be when I grow up: Pharmacist
A place I want to visit: Hawaii or England
My favorite part of the year: Summer time
My favorite part of each day: When I go to bed
My favorite games to play: Baseball
My favorite books: I am Number Four Series or Maze Runner series
My favorite movies or TV shows: The Walking Dead
My favorite holiday: Christmas
Things I do well: I'm good at baseball
Things I need to practice more:
My favorite place to go: Colorado
My favorite family activities: Watching Movies
My favorite thing to do outside: baseball
My favorite chore: Cleaning My Room
My least favorite chore: Cleaning the bathroom
What I want to be when I grow up: Pharmacist
A place I want to visit: Hawaii or England
My favorite part of the year: Summer time
My favorite part of each day: When I go to bed
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Tuesday, February 17
Tell me what you believe this cartoon is trying to say. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Try and look at this from two different perspectives. What is your perspective? What would be an adult/teacher's perspective?
I believe that this cartoon is trying to say that USA is going to be full of idiots because instead of studying and working hard in school like people in India and China. I don't think that this is an accurate cartoon because there are tons of Americans who work hard in school and they become doctors and scientists. If this cartoon was 100% accurate, then there would be no hospitals, no schools because nobody would listen, and there would probably be no good buildings because architects wouldn't exist because they wouldn't be in school. But a teachers perspective would be different from mine, because it seems to be that teachers would see slackers in their class more than other students Overall, I believe that this cartoon is very stereotypical and it is not an accurate depiction of America.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Tuesday, January 10
The quote above means that you need to focus more on what you need to do even if you are doing not as much as you would usually do. This could apply to school work because if you focus more on every worksheet and focus on everything that you do in a class, then that could help you get a better grade on that worksheet and potentially get a better grade in that class. I think that it would be a good thing to do less work in class but focus in a little bit more, because by doing that you could study a little harder on your subject and find things that you didn't already know, opposed to just barely focusing and then you could overlook that extra important detail. This could also apply to life, because if you have a job, then it would stand out to your boss if you are more focused than if you were on your phone half of the time and then do your work the other half of the time.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Monday, February 9
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me all about your weekend! I sure hope you have photos to share.
Tell me all about your weekend! I sure hope you have photos to share.
Last weekend was awesome for mostly one reason, The Walking Dead returned. The weekend seemed like it took forever because I was looking forward to the return of the show the entire time, but the walking dead wasn't my entire weekend. On Saturday, I was outside enjoying the warm weather and hanging out with all of the neighbors, then on Sunday, I had my basketball game and my team won! After that I went to baseball, and when I got home, I got to watch the new episode of The Waking Dead.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me about some interesting things you have learned about your global issue so far. What have you learned that you didn't know before? Include a couple images from the internet if possible. (Make sure to cite images that are not your own.)
Tell me about some interesting things you have learned about your global issue so far. What have you learned that you didn't know before? Include a couple images from the internet if possible. (Make sure to cite images that are not your own.)
While I was researching my global issue over the use of nuclear weapons, I have learned quite a bit. Some of these things that I have learned include; one nuclear blast is equivalent to 22,000 ponds of TNT, a nuclear mishap in North Carolina where a plane carrying two nuclear warheads crashed and the only reason they didn't go off, was because of one arming switch that remained untouched, and I also learned how during World War II, Kokura, Japan was supposed to be a target, but because there were clouds in the sky, they couldn't see the target and they had to go to the secondary target Nagasaki.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Wednesday, Febuary 4
Blog Post of the Day:
You haven't had a chance to tell me about your Sweetheart weekend yet - tell me about it now! Include photos if you have them. Even if you just laid around on the couch and watched Netflix, tell me all about it.
The weekend of Sweetheart was a good weekend for me. No I didn't go to the dance, but I did do some stuff to make up for not going. On Saturday I had the luxury of sleeping in (which is always a plus.) Later that day I got to sit around my house for a couple of hours, but after that I went on a three hour bike ride, and then me and my family decided to go to Fan Fest, and I was amazed that we got tickets. On Sunday I didn't do as much, all I did that day was going to my Basketball game and then right after that, I went to baseball practice.
You haven't had a chance to tell me about your Sweetheart weekend yet - tell me about it now! Include photos if you have them. Even if you just laid around on the couch and watched Netflix, tell me all about it.
The weekend of Sweetheart was a good weekend for me. No I didn't go to the dance, but I did do some stuff to make up for not going. On Saturday I had the luxury of sleeping in (which is always a plus.) Later that day I got to sit around my house for a couple of hours, but after that I went on a three hour bike ride, and then me and my family decided to go to Fan Fest, and I was amazed that we got tickets. On Sunday I didn't do as much, all I did that day was going to my Basketball game and then right after that, I went to baseball practice.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Wednesday, January 28
Blog Post of the Day:
Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...." (explain)
Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...." (explain)
10 years from now I will be in a college. I will be in college in 10 years because I am going to hopefully become a pharmacist. I want to become a pharmacist because they get paid a lot, and I have always enjoyed going to the hospital with my dad and be a little pharmacist for the night.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Tuesday, January 27
Blog Post of the Day:
Yesterday I had you choose a global issue and you wrote about it on your blog. Today on your blog I want you to tell me about two different perspectives of your global issue. Are there people for an against your issue? Do people disagree on your issue? Is it a topic that can cause controversy? Look at the issue for two different perspectives. Tell me about those perspectives.
Yesterday I had you choose a global issue and you wrote about it on your blog. Today on your blog I want you to tell me about two different perspectives of your global issue. Are there people for an against your issue? Do people disagree on your issue? Is it a topic that can cause controversy? Look at the issue for two different perspectives. Tell me about those perspectives.
With the topic of nuclear war there is not really two different sides unless the time comes to decide whether or not a country is going to use them, but for this post, I am going to assume the time has come to decide. One perspective on not using these weapons has a fairly good argument because they could say that these weapons do so much damage and they could easily kill innocent people. On the other hand someone who is for these weapons could say something like "It is the only way to stop these countries." Personally, I disagree with using these kinds of weapons because of the fact that if they were used then tons of innocent people would die. This topic would probably cause some controversy because if the time would come, people would be either be fighting to keep innocent people alive, or to stop a country from doing horrible things, and those are very important topics to debate.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Global Issue of nuclear war
Once you have selected an issue, create a new blog post and answer the following questions:
Without doing any research, what background do you currently have on this issue?
What do you want to know about this issue?
Why did you choose this issue? Had it effected your life? Is it something you are passionate about? Explain.
Without doing any research, what background do you currently have on this issue?
What do you want to know about this issue?
Why did you choose this issue? Had it effected your life? Is it something you are passionate about? Explain.
1. So far I know about how harmful nuclear war can be, and also that a lot more countries are developing or have not already developed this kind of technology and are ready to go for war.
2. I want to end up knowing what countries have these nuclear weapons, and what countries are currently developing this technology. Also I would like to know what it would take for these countries to use these weapons.
3. I chose this issue because it will become more of an issue with more countries gaining this technology, and this could become more and more of an issue depending on the countries' policies with said weapons.
Monday, January 26
Blog Post of the Day:
Last week I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.
I believe that you told us to "think differently" and create a different type of project in Google Slides because you wanted to see what we could do with the program. Because like you said this morning, that anyone can create a presentation with bullet points and you wanted to see who could create a Google Slides that could be more like a video with animations and transitions opposed to just a normal presentation.
Last week I asked your to "think differently" and push yourself to be uncommon with your PSA project using Google Slides. Why do you think I asked you to do that? What is the point? Why not just use bullets and headers? Explain.
I believe that you told us to "think differently" and create a different type of project in Google Slides because you wanted to see what we could do with the program. Because like you said this morning, that anyone can create a presentation with bullet points and you wanted to see who could create a Google Slides that could be more like a video with animations and transitions opposed to just a normal presentation.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Friday, January 23
Oh boy, where do I start. First of all kids these days are way to busy texting or tweeting on their phones, and they probably don't even know how to talk. The other day when I was on a walk around the park, I saw some pretty surprising things including a couple texting each other and they were sitting right next to each other! And I saw something very sad, no kids playing on the playground they were probably all inside playing on their little fruit devices. That is another thing that mad about the kids and some adults these days, they are all spending too much money on the next new thing and they don't even consider thinking about how the device they already have is good enough. I will never understand this generation.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Wednesday, January 21
Blog Post of the Day:
What is a public service announcement (PSA)? What do PSA's do? What makes a good PSA? How can you get someone to take action after watching a PSA? What is you PSA idea? Explain in detail.
What is a public service announcement (PSA)? What do PSA's do? What makes a good PSA? How can you get someone to take action after watching a PSA? What is you PSA idea? Explain in detail.
A PSA otherwise known as a public service announcement is a short video that informs the viewer about the subject and makes them want to help the issue that the PSA is about. For example if the PSA is about smoking, then after someone watches the PSA, then they would want to either quit smoking or help a loved one quit. Some things that make a good PSA include lots of pictures so the viewer wont get bored, no bullet points so the reader isn't just reading facts and getting bored that way, and finally you want it to make the viewer think about the subject enough to make the viewer want to make a change. My PSA is about smoking and I hope when I am done with it, that people will want to make a difference in either what they do, or what a friend does.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Tuesday, January 20
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me all about your 3 day weekend. Share photos!
Tell me all about your 3 day weekend. Share photos!
The three day weekend was an outstanding yet busy weekend for me. It was outstanding just because it was three days long, and that means I get an extra day to sleep in and relax. This weekend was also busy for me because on Monday, my family and I went to a car dealership and got my sister a used car, and also I went to my cousins house. Sunday was also a very busy day because I went to church from 10:30 to noon, baseball practice at 4:00, and finally a basketball game at 6:30. The basketball game was really fun because I got to play against some of my friends that go to this school and because I also got six points. Saturday wasn't nearly as busy as the other two days, but I might have been better than them because that was the only day I could relax.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Friday, January 16
Blog Post of the Day:
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.
Hi, I am Justin Clough and I am really enjoying my Freshman year so far here at Blue Valley High. So far I am not in any extracurricular activities, but in the spring I will be playing baseball for the school. So far this year my favorite class is P.E. because it is the only time of the day where I feel like I get a real, good break during the day. But my favorite teacher from last semester is Mr. Snell because he is a really funny guy.
Tell me a little bit about yourself and your life here at BVHS. What activities or clubs are you involved in? What year are you in school? What is your favorite class and/or teacher so far this year? What are you looking forward to this school year? Include some original photos from your phone if you can.
Hi, I am Justin Clough and I am really enjoying my Freshman year so far here at Blue Valley High. So far I am not in any extracurricular activities, but in the spring I will be playing baseball for the school. So far this year my favorite class is P.E. because it is the only time of the day where I feel like I get a real, good break during the day. But my favorite teacher from last semester is Mr. Snell because he is a really funny guy.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Wednesday, January 14
Always care for people
Before you say, think
Can you do better?
Don't do anything you don't want to do
Express yourself
Forgive others
Go and help others
Have a good day
It will be okay
Just do what makes you happy
Kindness can make anyone's day better
Love your neighbors
More you try, the better the result
Nobody can tell you that you are not good enough
Of course baseball is the best sport
People will bring you down, but don't let that stop you
Quiz? Do your best
Remember yo do your best
Stay strong
Too many people are mean, don't be like them
U are awesome
Voices in your head tend to tell you what the right choice is
Winners are always people who try
Xylophones are evil
You are awesome
Zoning out in class is never the best thing to do
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Tuesday, January 13
Blog Post of the Day:
What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself
In all of the time I have been in this class, I would say that it is pretty easy so far. I have also learned some things since I have been in this class, and some of things include; a little bit of HTML, how to set up a blog, and finally how I can use Google Drive a little bit easier. In this class, I hope that I can learn some more tricks with Microsoft Word, Power Point, etc. Also I would hope to learn some more HTML.
What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself
In all of the time I have been in this class, I would say that it is pretty easy so far. I have also learned some things since I have been in this class, and some of things include; a little bit of HTML, how to set up a blog, and finally how I can use Google Drive a little bit easier. In this class, I hope that I can learn some more tricks with Microsoft Word, Power Point, etc. Also I would hope to learn some more HTML.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Monday, January 12
Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.
My weekend was very busy. On Saturday, I had two hours of baseball practice with my team, and after that I had just a few minutes to rest until I went to go and visit my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. My cousins had tons of fun and loved having me and my sister over. On Sunday, my dad woke me up really early to go to church and right after that I had to go over to my old middle school for a basketball game. My team played some other kids from this school and we all screwed around. And after the game, I had another hour of baseball practice and when I got home I slept until the next day. So I guess you could say that I had a pretty busy weekend.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Friday, January 9
If I could make my own report card, some of my imaginary classes would include:
- Waking up every morning: A
- Eating breakfast before noon: A
- Play with my dog for 30 minutes a day: A
- Get at least an hour of exercise a day: A
- Take a nap sometime during the day: A+
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Thursday, January 8
Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.
I think that this was a very good newspaper article about how teenagers need to step up and do something productive and worth while opposed to just sitting around and doing nothing. I agree with this completely because I also believe that teenagers shouldn't just stay at home and do nothing all day, but they should go and contribute to the world. Maybe they don't need to do everything that the article said they should do, but they could do some little things such as getting a job, or helping out another neighbor.
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